mercredi 7 septembre 2011

There you'll find me, Jenny B Jones

Synopsis :
In a small cottage house in rural Ireland, Finley discovers she can no longer outrun the past.

When Finley travels to Ireland as a foreign exchange student, she hopes to create a new identity and get some answers from the God who took her brother away and seems to have left her high and dry.
But from the moment she boards the plane and sits by Beckett Rush, teen star of the hottest vampire flicks, nothing goes according to Finley's plan.

When she gets too close to Beckett, a classmate goes on a mission to make sure Finley packs her bags, departs Ireland-and leaves Beckett alone.

Finley feels the pressure all around. As things start to fall apart, she begins to rely on a not-so-healthy method of taking control of her life.

Finley tries to balance it all-disasters on the set of Beckett's new movie, the demands of school, and her growing romance with one actor who is not what he seems. Yet Finley is also not who she portrays to Beckett and her friends.

For the first time in her life, Finley must get honest with herself to get right with God.

Ma chronique en français est juste en dessous.
My review : 

The cover is beautiful and the description grabb my attention.

It's an amazing book about guilty, grief and of course love.

When Finley books her trip to the "Emerald Isle" as a foreign exchange student, she hopes to create a new identity in Ireland and get some answers from God. After all, since her brother's recent death, God seems to have forgotten she even exists.

Now all she wants is a new start and let her heart heal.She plans to discover her brother's Ireland with the help oh his journal and find God like her brother did. She have to work on her college audition piece for a prestigious music conservatory.Yet from the moment she boards the plane and sits next to Beckett Rush, teen star of the hottest vampire flicks, nothing goes according to her well-ordered plan.
The peace and beauty of the Irish village are no match for the chaos that soon becomes her life. When she gets roped into working as Beckett Rush's personal assistant, she finds this famous wild child is not quite what he seems. Both are attracted the one by the other one but fight against this attraction. And as she grows closer to the mysterious actor, her own secrets refuse to stay put.

She also have to take care of an angry old woman who taught to let go. And with a num she pratice her piano and try to write the end of her audition piece.

As things begin to unravel, Finley takes desperate measures to control her own life and fill the empty spaces her brother left behind. When it all comes crashing down, Finley must discover how to give her past to God . . . if there's to be any hope in her future.

Ce que j'en pense :

La couverture m'a beaucoup plus elle m'a fait penser à l'Irelande dés le premier coup d'oeil.

Le synopsis le montre bien, Dieu est vraiment présent dans ce livre, il n'y a pas juste de fortes allusions, les personnages sont tous des catholiques pratiquants et Dieu fait parti de leur vie.

Finley part pour l'Irelande où elle va aller à l'école tout comme son frère Will l'avait fait.Elle a son journal et elle est bien décidée à se rendre dans tous les sites où il a été. Depuis 2 ans Finley ne sent plus la présence de Dieu, ça a commencé à la mort de son frère Will dans un attentat.
Son séjour en Ireland est un moyen de remettre de l'ordre dans sa vie et surtout de trouver l'inspiration pour finir le morceau de musique,dédié à Will, qu'elle jouera pour l'audition dans un conservatoire.
Dans l'avion elle fait la connaissance de Beckett Rush, la star ciné en vogue du moment.Et cette rencontre va chambouler le programme qu'elle c'était fixé.

Le paysage calme et la joie de vivre des Irlandais contraste avec le chaos qu'est devenu la vie de Finley.Plus elle va se rapprocher de Beckett plus elle va s'apercevoir que derrière la façade de la star orgueilleuse se cache une personnalité plus complexe. Ils sont attirés l'un par l'autre mais luttent contre cette attraction. En devenant proche de Beckett, Finley va voir ses secrets resurgir.
J'ai trouvé l'histoire d'amour très belle, avec deux personnes bléssées et qui jouent un jeu face aux autres.

Finley se voile la face sur beaucoup d'aspect de sa vie et ce voyage va être un tournant décisif dans sa vie et dans son deuil de Will.

Citations :

 * "- We don't even like each other.
- I pretty much can't stand you.
And then his lips crushed to mine."

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