jeudi 31 mars 2011

Unearthly, Cynthia Hand

Synopsis :

In the beginning, there's a boy standing in the trees . . . .

Clara Gardner has recently learned that she's part angel. Having angel blood run through her veins not only makes her smarter, stronger, and faster than humans (a word, she realizes, that no longer applies to her), but it means she has a purpose, something she was put on this earth to do. Figuring out what that is, though, isn't easy.

Her visions of a raging forest fire and an alluring stranger lead her to a new school in a new town. When she meets Christian, who turns out to be the boy of her dreams (literally), everything seems to fall into place—and out of place at the same time. Because there's another guy, Tucker, who appeals to Clara's less angelic side.
As Clara tries to find her way in a world she no longer understands, she encounters unseen dangers and choices she never thought she'd have to make—between honesty and deceit, love and duty, good and evil. When the fire from her vision finally ignites, will Clara be ready to face her destiny?

Unearthly is a moving tale of love and fate, and the struggle between following the rules and following your heart.

Ce que j'en pense : (à venir) 

 Après Halo et Fallen qui ont été 2 grandes déceptions pour moi sur l'univers des anges je n'attendais pas grand chose de ce livre et j'ai été agréablement surprise.

L'idée de ce livre est que chaque ange  a un "purpose" et cela va définir son destin,cela peut consister à sauver quelqu'un ou être délivreur d'un message.
On suit l'histoire de Clara qui découvre son purpose en rêve, un garçon dans une forêt en flammes et des implications que cela va avoir sur sa famille, vu qu'ils vont devoir déménager et s'adapter à cette nouvelle vie dans la nature.
La mère de Clara est à moitié ange ce qui fait qu'avec son frère, ils ne sont qu'à un quart ange et leur pouvoir ne sont donc pas aussi importants.On va la suivre dans ses tentatives d'apprentissage du vol et  on s'aperçoit aussi qu'elle ne connait pas grand chose sur sa nature et le passé de sa mère.

On se retrouve avec un triangle amoureux qui sort de l'ordinaire,j'ai préféré de suite Tucker avec son franc parler et ses petites piques à Christian le beau gosse que j'ai trouvé un peu mou et plusieurs fois dans le livre il m'a déçu.Il n'y a qu'à la fin que je l'ai un peu plus apprécié.

Pour une fois l'action se déroule dans la nature et on peut découvrir des tas d'activités qu'on trouve rarement dans des livres comme le ski,le rafting.

L'histoire prend des tournures inattendues et dans les 50 dernières pages le rythme s'accélère jusqu'à ce final qui est très différent de ce que l'on aurait pu imaginer au début.C'est l'imprévisibilté de l'histoire qui m'a plu.

* "Fine.” He smirks at me. “Nice to meet you, Carrots,” he says, looking directly at my hair. “Oh, I mean Clara.”
My face flames.

“Same to you, Rusty,” I shoot back, but he’s already striding away." 

  * "What did the fish say when it hit a concrete wall?" he asks me. We're sitting on the bank of a stream and he's tying a fly onto my fishing rod, wearing a cowboy hat and a red lumberjack-style flannel shirt over a gray tee. So adorable.
"What?" I say, wanting to laugh and he hasn't even told me the punch line.
He grins. Unbelievable how gorgeous he is. And that he's mine. He loves me and I love him and how rare and beautiful is that?
"Dam!" he says."

  * "I’m flying!”
Of course, I’m not flying so much as coasting over the treetops like a hang glider or a freakishly large flying squirrel."

Forbidden ,Tabitha Suzuma


Ce livre est pour un public averti certaines scènes et le sujet  pouvant choquer.

Synopsis :

Sixteen-year-old Maya and seventeen-year-old Lochan have never had the chance to be 'normal' teenagers. Having pulled together for years to take care of their younger siblings while their wayward, drunken mother leaves them to fend alone, they have become much more than brother and sister. And now, they have fallen in love. But this is a love that can never be allowed, a love that will have devastating consequences ...

How can something so wrong feel so right?

Ce que j'en pense :

Moi est les happy ending, moi et la fantasy, avec ce livre qui ose aborder l'inceste on en est bien loin ,mais que j'ai aimé ce livre.

Ce livre traite d'un sujet "tabou",l'inceste consenti, mais Tabiha Suzuma le décrit tellement bien qu'à aucun moment je me suis sentie mal à l'aise ou gênée. Il est certain que tout le monde ne va pas réagir de la même façon face à ce livre, alors qu'il y en a qui vont accrocher d'autres ne vont pas pouvoir le terminer.Personnellement dés que j'ai lu le synops
is je n'ai  pas arrêté de penser à ce livre et je n'avais qu'une envie le lire.

Lochan a 17 ans c'est l'ainé de 5 frères et soeurs,avec une mère alcolo qui n'est jamais là, il se retrouve en charge de la famille.Heureusement sa soeur Maya,16 ans , est là pour l'aider.Ils ont toujours été proches mais face aux difficultés du quotidien leurs sentiments vont changer et ils vont tomber amoureux.
On se retrouve plongé dans cette famille qui vit dans des conditions horribles mais grâce à Lochan et Maya il y a un semblant de vie familiale.

Je n'ai jamais autant souffert pour un personnage que pour Lochan,je me suis de suite attachée à ce grand frère qui ne vit que pour sa famille, et lorsqu'il se rend compte des sentiments qu'il a pour Maya,on voit son désespoir son envie de combattre "ça" en même temps que la souffrance qui est la sienne lorsqu'il essaye de s'éloigner d'elle.Rien que de penser à Lochan j'ai les larmes aux yeux, il m'a bouleversée, cette tristesse dans son regard,son affection pour sa
famille j'en suis chamboulée!

Et il y a la douce Maya, sa lutte aussi contre cet "amour" m'a touché car elle se rend compte que ce n'est pas bien mais en même temps c'est si normal,car il est bien plus que son frère.Elle lui apporte tellement.

Tout on long du livre on bataille avec eux entre NON vous êtes frères et soeurs et vous ne pouvez pas vous aimer et OUI vous êtes fait l'un pour l'autre et c'est tellement normal!

Je suis en colère contre cette mère qui a complètement démissionnée,contre les services sociaux.....
Cette fin m'a dévastée,elle est à la fois déchirante et tellement belle,j'en pleure encore.

Un livre qui m'a marqué à jamais.

J'ai découvert ce livre samedi grâce à Ifmary (sa chronique) et depuis je n'arrête pas d'y penser donc comme je viens de le recevoir je stoppe toutes les lectures pour le commencer.
Vous pouvez retrouver l'interview qu'a réalisé Ifmary auprès de l'auteur,Tabitha Suzuma  içi

Je vous mets aussi le lien de ma partenaire Read your Dreams qui a adoré ce livre içi
Un autre lien d'un magnifique avis sur ce livre Wandering World  ici 
Et enfin le lien de Tess que l'on a harcelé pour qu'elle le lise :)  ici 
Quotes :

 * "„You've always been my best friend, my soul mate, and now I've fallen in love with you too. Why is that such a crime?"

  * "At the end of the day it's about how much you can bear, how much you can endure. Being together, we harm nobody; being apart, we exstinguish ourselves."

  * "There are no laws, no boundaries on feelings.We can love each other as much and as deeply as we want.No one, Maya, no one can ever take that away from us."

  * "This whole time, my whole life, that harsh, stony path was leading up to this one point. I followed it blindly, stumbling along the way, scraped and weary, without any idea of where it was leading, without ever realizing that with every step I was approaching the light at the end of a very long, dark tunnel. And now that I've reached it, now that I'm here, I want to catch it in my hand, hold onto it forever to look back on - the point at which my new life really began."

Au bord de la tombe, Jeaniene Frost

Synopsis :

Mi-humaine, mi-vampire, Catherine Crawfield traque les morts-vivants dans l'espoir de tuer son père, le monstre qui a fichu la vie de sa mère en l'air. Elle est alors capturée par Bones, un vampire chasseur de primes, qui lui impose une association contre nature : il aidera Cat dans sa quête et, en échange, ce très sexy prédateur de la nuit fera d'elle une chasseuse aux réflexes aussi acérés que ses crocs. Mais avant de pouvoir jouer les buteuses de démons, Cat est elle-même prise en chasse par une bande de tueurs. Forcée de choisir son camp, elle va vite se rendre compte qu'être une suceuse de sang a ses avantages..

Ce que j'en pense :

Voici une de mes séries Bit-lit préférée en grande partie grâce à Bones !

Cat depuis qu'elle a appris qu'elle est le fruit du viol de sa mère par un vampire, traque sans relâche ces monstres qui ont détruit la vie de sa mère et qu'elle méprise.Mais elle rencontre Bones,un vampire qui va la kidnapper et l'obliger à s'associer avec lui.

La mère de Cat lui a toujours dit du mal des vampires qu'elle considère comme le diable en personne,mais plus elle va se rapprocher de Bones et plus Cat va remettre en questions ces préjugés pourtant bien ancrés en elle.Le duo Cat/Bones fait des étincelles que ce soit lors des entrainements,des combats ou  au niveau de leur attirance réciporque.

Cat au début du livre est assez coincée,les remarques grivoises l'a font rougir mais après être passée par l'entrainement spécial de Bones elle n'a plus froid aux yeux.Elle est tetue,n'a pas peur du danger ce qui l'entraine souvent dans des situations dangereuses.

Bones, il représente le mâle dans sa toute sa splendeur,c'est un ancien gigolo,un vrai dieu du sexe mais il est aussi doux,attentionné et capable de tout lorsqu'il est amoureux ,même braver une mère qui déteste les vampires !! Et que dire quand il commence à l'appelle Kitten !

Je suis accro à cette saga qui vaut vraiment le coup d'être découverte. 

Quotes :(en VO car je trouve que Bones est encore meilleur) 

  * "Playing with fire Kitten?"

  * Don't kiss me like a woman if you're going to treat me like a child."

  * "Aside from the obvious, Francesca, what do you want in return for supplying information?” Bones asked, getting back to the subject. “You to take me,” she replied at once. “Not gonna happen!” I spat, squeezing him possessively. Three sets of widened eyes fixed on me. That’s when I realized that what I had a firm grip on was no longer his hand."

  * "Do you think I’m pretty?” I heard myself ask.
Something I couldn’t name flashed across his face.
“No. I don’t think you’re pretty. I think you’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen."
 *  "If you run from me, I will chase you, and I'll find you...."


Ma nouvelle partenaire : Dans ma petite bulle

Je suis très contente de vous présenter ma nouvelle partenaire et surtout copine Tess. (blog)

J'ai découvert son blog il y a 1 an et grâce à elle j'ai lu de superbes saga comme La Cité des Ténébres,Hush Hush ou encore The Iron Fey.
En plus de ses chroniques vous allez trouver des infos sur la saga ou twilight et aussi de super photos.

Mes nouveaux partenaires Vampire Academy

Je suis heureuse de m'associer avec le monde de Vampire Academy.

Le blog de Vampire Academy France (blog)

Le premier blog français vous proposant toutes les informations sur les livres, les personnages et les dernières news concernant la saga Vampire Academy de Richelle Mead.

Le Forum de Vampire Academy :St Vladimir Academy (lien)

Sur le forum venez découvrir les dernières actualités de la saga, trouver des informations sur les livres, discuter avec des passionnés et participer à des concours.

mercredi 30 mars 2011

Ma nouvelle partenaire : Le blog de Belladouce

Je vous présente ma nouvelle partenaire et twicpo's  Le Blog de Belladouce, vous trouverez sur son site des infos sur Twilight ,des chroniques et surtout de super photoshoot,en particulier de mon chouchou Peter Facinelli.
Il vous suffit de cliquer sur la photo pour rejoindre son blog.



Ma nouvelle partenaire : La Bibliothèque de Lilie

Je suis ravie de faire un partenariat avec Lilie, j'adore son blog et grâce à elle j'ai découvert de nombreux livres,pour le malheur de ma PAL !
Il suffit de cliquer sur l'image pour découvrir son blog.

Retrouvez sur son site  les chroniques et les dernières actualités des romans bit-lit, chick-lit et jeunesse !


Ma nouvelle partenaire : Read your Dreams

Je suis ravie de vous présenter le blog Read your Dreams   blog 

Elle va vous faire partager ses lectures en YA mais aussi en Bit lit.

Bienvenue à mon nouveau partenaire : les Chroniques d'Evenusia

Voici mon tout premier partenariat et je suis ravie que ce soit avec Evenusia,vous pouvez accéder à son site en cliquant sur l'image ou retrouver tous mes partenaires sous l'onglet "Partenaires".

Chroniques à croquer à pleines dents ! Toute l'actualité de Twilight et autres vampires, des livres, de la musique, du cinéma. L'univers du fantastique dans tous ses états !

mardi 29 mars 2011

Lover Unleashed ,J.R.Ward

Enfin le tome 9 de la confrérie sort aujourd'hui

Synopsis :

Payne, twin sister of Vishous, is cut from the same dark, warrior cloth as her brother: A fighter by nature, and a maverick when it comes to the traditional role of Chosen females, there is no place for her on the Far Side… and no role for her on the front lines of the war, either.

When she suffers a paralyzing injury, human surgeon Dr. Manuel Manello is called in to treat her as only he can- and he soon gets sucked into her dangerous, secret world. Although he never before believed in things that go bump in the night- like vampires- he finds himself more than willing to be seduced by the powerful female who marks both his body and his soul.

As the two find so much more than an erotic connection, the human and vampire worlds collide … just as a centuries old score catches up with Payne and puts both her love and her life in deadly jeopardy.

Ce que j'en pense (à venir) 


Anna and the french kiss ,Stephanie Perkins

Synopsis :

Anna is looking forward to her senior year in Atlanta, where she has a great job, a loyal best friend, and a crush on the verge of becoming more. Which is why she is less than thrilled about being shipped off to boarding school in Paris—until she meets Étienne St. Claire: perfect, Parisian (and English and American, which makes for a swoon-worthy accent), and utterly irresistible. The only problem is that he's taken, and Anna might be, too, if anything comes of her almost-relationship back home.

As winter melts into spring, will a year of romantic near-misses end with the French kiss Anna—and readers—have long awaited?

Ce que j'en pense :

Ce livre est une perle rare,je suis encore sous le coup de l'émotion de cette lecture.
Une merveilleuse histoire d'amour avec en fond: PARIS.
Mon côté romantique et fleur bleu est ressortie durant cette lecture et j'ai enchainé les pages sans m'en rendre compte,impossible de fermer l'oeil avant le toute dernière page.

D'habitude je ne lis que du fantastique et j'avais peur de trouver ce livre trop "simple" pourtant ce sont les situations quotidiennes et les relations entre les personnages qui m'ont transportés! tout à marché pour moi dans ce livre,chaque détails chaque situation.
Mon passage préféré : l'echange d'email entre St.Clair et Anna, c'était drôle,émouvant juste adorable.

Côté personnage :
gros crush pour Etienne !!j'aime tout dans ce gars et j'adorerais passer ma main dans ses super cheveux
Anna, je me suis reconnue tellement de fois dans ce personnage que ça en est effrayant!

je le relirai je pense très souvent rien que pour le bonheur de retrouver les échanges anna/etienne

Quotes :

  * "French name, English accent, American school. Anna confused."
  * "I don't want to feel this way around him. I want things to be normal. I want to be his friend, not another stupid girl holding out for something that will never happen."

  * "Sorry to be your second choice."
"Don't be stupid. Third choice. Mum's asleep, remember?" He laughs again."

  * "I moan with pleasure.
"Did you just have a foodgasm?" he asks, wiping ricotta from his lips.
"Where have you been all my life?" I ask the beautiful panini."

The iron queen (Iron Fey #3 ) Julie Kagawa

Synopsis :

My name is Meghan Chase.
I thought it was over. That my time with the fey, the impossible choices I had to make, the sacrifices of those I loved, was behind me. But a storm is approaching, an army of Iron fey that will drag me back, kicking and screaming. Drag me away from the banished prince who's sworn to stand by my side. Drag me into the core of conflict so powerful, I'm not sure anyone can survive it.

This time, there will be no turning back.

Ce que j'en pense :

Comment définir ce livre,il m'a transporté fait vibrer. J'ai tellement pleuré en lisant les dernières pages que le texte devenait flou.
Les personnages prennent plus d'ampleur,leur sentiments sont mis en avant.
Chaque fin de partie était très riche en émotions et alors que l'on croit avoir atteint le point culminant en intensité on découvre d'autres passages encore plus forts.

  Meghan,Ash et Puck sont maintenant confrontés à une guerre entre les Iron Fey et les courts Seelie et Unseelie. Une guerre mortelle, dangereuse, qui pourrait tout remettre en question. J' ai particulièrement aimé la préparation à la guerre de Meghan dans ce petit cocon où ils sont encore à l'abri des atrocités.On commence à sentir un changement d'ambiance lorsque Meghan fait ces rêves, puis on rentre dans la guerre.
Ash,le "winter prince" nous fait découvrir une nouvelle facette de sa personnalité,plus fragile quand ça touche à l'amour et à celle qu'il aime. 

Puck, le meilleur ami, m'a beaucoup plu dans ce tome,avec ses fameuses répliques! 

Meghan,enfin ,elle se révèle complétement, une héroïne forte,qui va jusqu'au sacrifice ultime pour ceux qu'elle aime.

Le livre le plus intense des 3 cette fin est magnifique et à la fois insoutenable.

J'attends avec impatience la sortie de "Iron Knight" en novembre.

Quotes :

  * "His forehead bumped softly against mine, his brilliant silver gaze searing into me. “I plan to keep you, from everyone, for as long as I’m alive. That includes Puck, the false king, and anyone else who would take you away.” One corner of his mouth quirked, as I struggled to catch my breath under his powerful scrutiny. “I guess I should’ve warned you that I have a slight possessive streak.”

  * "One more thing,” Ash said in his dangerous, soft voice as we turned away. “If you do not return with her,” Ash continued, staring him down, “if she comes to any harm while she is with you, I will turn this entire camp into a bloodbath. That is my promise, lieutenant."

  * "I wished that, for once, faery tales – real faery tales, not Disney fairy tales – would have a happy ending."

lundi 28 mars 2011

Barron et Mac

Je suis fan de la saga Fever de Karen Marie Moning et voici un fan art fait par une de ses fans source

A beautiful painting by Mathia A.

dimanche 27 mars 2011

In my MailBox

In My Mailbox a été mis en place par Kristi du blog The Story Siren et inspiré par Alea du blog Pop Culture Junkie. C'est un moyen de partager les livres reçus chaque semaine dans notre boîte aux lettres ainsi que les livres achetés ou empruntés à la bibliothèque.

Source et plus d'info chez La Bibliothèque de Lilie  

Cette semaine j'ai lu Le Baiser de Minuit   article

Je suis entrain de lire Les secrets de Wisteria

C'est grâce à Lilie que j'ai découvert "Chroniques de la fin du monde" retrouvait sa chronique ici .

Je ne pensais vraiment pas lire ce livre, mais les différents avis positif surtout celui de Lilie (article) m'ont motivé et voilà comment "Rivage mortel" se rajoute à ma PAL !

Bonne semaine de lecture !

Les Secrets de Wisteria , Elizabeth Chandler


Synopsis :

« La nuit dernière, j'ai revu la maison.
Je n'y suis pourtant jamais allée.
Dans mon rêve, je pousse la porte et j'entre.
La nuit dernière, elle était fermée à clé.
Quelqu'un voulait m'empêcher d'y entrer.

Aujourd'hui, je descends lentement de
la voiture, les yeux rivés sur la maison.
C'est celle de mon rêve.
Pour la seconde fois en vingt-quatre heures,
je monte les marches.
Cette fois, la porte s'ouvre en grand.

Le cauchemar commence. »

Ce que j'en pense : 

J'avoue que lorsque j'ai commencé ce livre je n'en attendais pas grand chose,je pensais qu'il servirait de transition.
Mais dés les premières pages j'ai compris que je m'étais bien trompée!

Megan est envoyée en vacances chez sa grand mère qu'elle n'a jamais rencontré et qui ne la considère pas de la famille car elle a était adoptée et que sa mère s'est mariée avec un "étranger".Mais Megan n'est pas impressionnée par cette femme austère et méchante,elle lui tient tête de même qu'à son "en quelque sorte" cousin ,Matt, qui fait comme si elle n'existait pas.

Megan commence à faire des rêves étranges qui la plonge dans les secrets de sa famille,et même si Matt et sa grand-mère lui disent de ne pas chercher à en savoir plus,elle va mener son enquête.

Matt est distant avec elle,alors qu'elle se sent attirée de plus en plus par lui.
L'histoire d'amour est présente  mais  plus en retrait que dans le "Baiser de l'ange".

J'ai trouvé la fin un peu précipitée et j'aurai apprécié que le dernier chapitre soit plus développé,j'ai l'impression qu'il me manque quelque chose.

Quotes :

 * Tu es censé tenir compagnie à grand-mère,me fait remarquer Matt.
Je n'ai pas le souvenir d'avoir établi mon emploi du temps avec toi.
son ami éclate de rire ce qui irrite mon cousin.
En fait, ajouté-je, je n'ai pas le souvenir que tu te sois intéressé à aucune de mes activités.

  * Tête de mule.
Oui,confirmé-je.C'est surprenant,d'ailleurs.On n'a pas de lien de sang,et pourtant,on partage le même trait de famille.

* Mais tu vois,Sophie,elle,n'est pas que belle.Elle est chaleureuse,amicale,douce et....
Pas mon genre.
Et .....m'obstiné-je,...elle n'a pas une grande bouche comme certaines.
Contrairement à toi,déclare-t-il alors avant de repartir vers la berge.

Because It is Bitter- City of Ash Jace POV

The scene that takes place during pages 170-174 of City of Ashes, in the chapter The Seelie Court, here from Jace’s point of view. I even gave it a name — “Because It Is Bitter.” Because boy, is Jace bitter here.  source


“But I like it
Because it is bitter,
And because it is my heart.” — Stephen Crane

“I know that I will not leave my sister here in your Court,” said Jace, “and since there is nothing to be learned from either her or myself, perhaps you could do us the favor of releasing her?”


The Queen smiled. It was a beautiful, terrible smile. The Queen was a lovely woman; she had that inhuman loveliness that faeries did, that was more like the loveliness of hard crystal than the beauty of a human. The Queen did not look any particular age: she could have been sixteen or forty-five. Jace supposed there were those who would have found her attractive — people had died for love of the Queen — but she gave him a cold feeling in his chest, as if he’d swallowed ice water too fast. “What if I told you she could be freed by a kiss?”


It was Clary who replied, bewildered: “You want Jace to kiss you?”


As the Queen and Court laughed, the icy feeling in Jace’s chest intensified. Clary didn’t understand faeries, he thought. He’d tried to explain, but there was no explaining, not really. Whatever the Queen wanted from them, it wasn’t a kiss from him; she could have demanded that without all this show and nonsense. What she wanted was to see them pinned and struggling like butterflies. It was something immortality did to you, he’d often thought: dulled your senses, your emotions; the sharp, uncontrollable, pitiable responses of human beings were to faeries  like fresh blood to a vampire. Something living. Something they didn’t have themselves.


“Despite his charms,” the Queen said, flicking a glance toward Jace — her eyes were green, like Clary’s, but not like Clary’s at all — “that kiss will not free the girl.”


“I could kiss Meliorn,” suggested Isabelle, shrugging.


The Queen shook her head slowly. “Nor that. Nor any one of my Court.”


Isabelle threw up her hands; Jace wanted to ask her what she’d expected — kissing Meliorn wouldn’t have bothered her, so obviously the Queen wouldn’t care about it. He supposed it had been nice of her to offer, but Iz, at least, ought to know better. She’d had dealings with faeries before.


Maybe it wasn’t just knowing the way the Fair Folk thought, Jace wondered. Maybe it was knowing how people who enjoyed cruelty for the sake of cruelty thought. Isabelle was thoughtless, and sometimes vain, but she wasn’t cruel. She tossed her dark hair back and scowled. “I’m not kissing any of you,” she said firmly. “Just so it’s official.”


“That hardly seems necessary,” said Simon, stepped forward. “If a kiss is all . . .”


He took a step toward Clary, who didn’t move away. The ice in Jace’s chest turned into liquid fire; he clenched his hands at his sides as Simon took Clary gently by the arms and looked down into her face. She rested her hands on Simon’s waist, as if she’d done it a million times before. Maybe she had, for all he knew. He knew Simon loved her; he’d known it since he’d seen them together in that stupid coffee shop, the other boy practically choking on getting the words “I love you” out of his mouth while Clary looked around the room, restlessly alive, her green eyes darting everywhere. She’s not interested in you, mundane boy, he’d thought with satisfaction. Get lost. And then been surprised he’d thought it. What difference did it make to him what this girl he barely knew thought?


That seemed like a lifetime ago. She wasn’t some girl he barely knew anymore: she was Clary. She was the one thing in his life that mattered more than anything else, and watching Simon put his hands on her, wherever he wanted to, made him feel at once sick and faint and murderously angry. The urge to stalk up and rip the two of them apart was so strong he could barely breathe.


Clary glanced back at him, her red hair slipping over her shoulder. She looked concerned, which was bad enough. He couldn’t stand the thought that she might feel sorry for him. He looked away fast, and caught the eye of the Seelie Queen, glimmering with delight: now this was what she was after. Their pain, their agony.


“No,” said the Queen, to Simon, in a voice like the soft slice of a knife. “That is not what I want either.”


Simon stepped away from Clary, reluctantly. Relief pounded through Jace’s veins like blood, drowning out what his friends were saying. For a moment all he cared about was that he wasn’t going to have to watch Clary kiss Simon. Then Clary seemed to swim into focus: she was very pale, and he couldn’t help wondering what she was thinking. Was she disappointed not to be kissed by Simon? Relieved as he was? He thought of Simon kissing her hand earlier than day and shoved the memory away viciously, still staring at his sister. Look up, he thought. Look at me. If you love me, you’ll look at me.


She crossed her arms over her chest, the way she did when she was cold or upset. But she didn’t look up. The conversation went on around them: who was going to kiss who, what was going to happen. Hopeless rage rose up in Jace’s chest, and as usual, found its escape in a sarcastic comment.


“Well, I’m not kissing the mundane,” he said. “I’d rather stay down here and rot.”


“Forever?” said Simon. His eyes were big and dark and serious. “Forever’s an awfully long time.”


Jace looked back at those eyes. Simon was probably a good person, he thought. He loved Clary and he wanted to take care of her and make her happy. He’d probably make a spectacular boyfriend. Logically, Jace knew, it was exactly what he ought to want for his sister. But he couldn’t look at Simon without wanting to kill someone. “I knew it,” he said nastily. “You want to kiss me, don’t you?”


“Of course not. But if—”


“I guess it’s true what they say. There are no straight men in the trenches.”
“That’s atheists, jackass.” Simon was bright red. “There are no atheists in the trenches.”


It was the Queen who interrupted them, leaning forward so that her white neck and breasts were displayed above the neckline of her low-cut gown. “While this is all very amusing, the kiss that will free the girl is the kiss that she most desires,” she said. “Only that and nothing more.”


Simon went from red to white. If the kiss that Clary most desired wasn’t Simon’s, then . . .the way she was looking at Jace, from Jace to Clary, answered that.


Jace’s heart started to pound. He met the Queen’s eyes with his own. “Why are you doing this?”


“I rather thought I was offering you a boon,” she said. “Desire is not always lessened by disgust. Nor can it be bestowed, like a favor, to those most deserving of it. And as my words bind my magic, so you can know the truth. If she doesn’t desire your kiss, she won’t be free.”


Jace felt  blood flood into his face. He was vaguely aware of Simon arguing that Jace and Clary were brother and sister, that it wasn’t right, but he ignored him. The Seelie Queen was looking at him, and her eyes were like the sea before a deadly storm, and he wanted to say thank you. Thank you.


And that was the most dangerous thing of all, he thought, as around him his companions argued about whether Clary and Jace had to do this, or what any of them would be willing to do to escape the Court. To allow the Queen to give you something you wanted — truly, truly wanted — was to put yourself in her power. How had she looked at him and known, he wondered? That this was what he thought about, wanted, woke from dreams of, gasping and sweating?  That when he thought, really thought, about the fact that he might never get to kiss Clary again, he wanted to die or hurt or bleed so badly he’d go up to the attic and train alone for hours until he was so exhausted he had no choice but to pass out, exhausted. He’d have bruises in the morning, bruises and cuts and scraped skin and if he could have named all his injuries they would have had the same name: Clary, Clary, Clary.


Simon was still talking, saying something, angry again. “You don’t have to do this, Clary, it’s a trick—”


“Not a trick,” said Jace. The calmness in his own voice surprised him. “A test.” He looked at Clary. She was biting her lip, her hand wound in a curl of her hair; the gestures so characteristic, so very much a part of her, they shattered his heart. Simon was arguing with Isabelle now as the Seelie Queen lounged back and watched them like a sleek, amused cat.


Isabelle sounded exasperated. ‘Who cares, anyway? It’s just a kiss.”


“That’s right,” Jace said.


Clary looked up, then finally, and her wide green eyes rested on him. He moved toward her, and as it always did, the rest of the world fell away until it was just them, as if they stood on a spotlighted stage in an empty auditorium. He put his hand on her shoulder, turning her to face him. She had stopped biting her lip, and her cheeks were flushed, her eyes a brilliant green. He could feel the tension in his own body, the effort of holding back, of not pulling her against him and taking this once chance, however dangerous and stupid and unwise, and kissing her the way he had thought he would never, in his life, be able to kiss her again.


“It’s just a kiss,” he said, and heard the roughness in his own voice, and wondered if she heard it, too.
Not that it mattered—there was no way to hide it. It was too much. He had never wanted like this before. There had always been girls. He had asked himself, in the dead of night, staring at the blank walls of his room, what made Clary so different. She was beautiful, but other girls were beautiful. She was smart, but there were other smart girls. She understood him, laughed when he laughed, saw through the defenses he put up to what was underneath. There was no Jace Wayland more real than the one he saw in her eyes when she looked at him.


But still, maybe, he could find all that somewhere else. People fell in love, and lost, and moved on. He didn’t know why he couldn’t. He didn’t know why he didn’t even want to. All he knew was that whatever he had to owe to Hell or Heaven for this chance, he was going to make it count.


He reached down and took her hands, winding his fingers with hers, and whispered in her ear. “You can close your eyes and think of England, if you like,” he said.


Her eyes fluttered shut, her lashes coppery lines against her pale, fragile skin. “I’ve never even been to England,” she said, and the softness, the anxiety in her voice almost undid him. He had never kissed a girl without knowing she wanted it too, usually more than he did, and this was Clary, and he didn’t know what she wanted. He slid his hands up hers, over the sleeves of her damply clinging shirt, to her shoulders. Her eyes were still closed, but she shivered, and leaned into him — barely, but it was permission enough.


His mouth came down on hers. And that was it. All the self-control he’d exerted over the past weeks went, like water crashing through a broken dam. Her arms came up around his neck and he pulled her against him, and she was soft and pliant but surprisingly strong like no one else he’d ever held. His hands flattened against her back, pressing her against him, and she was up on the tips of her toes, kissing him as fiercely as he was kissing her. He flicked his tongue along her lips, opening her mouth under his, and she tasted salt and sweet like faerie water. He clung to her more tightly, knotting his hands in her hair, trying to tell her, with the press of his mouth on hers, all the things he could never say out loud: I love you; I love you and I don’t care that you’re my sister; don’t be with him, don’t want him, don’t go with him. Be with me. Want me. Stay with me.
I don’t know how to be without you.


His hands slid down to her waist, and he was pulling her against him, lost in the sensations that spiraled through his nerves and blood and bones, and he had no idea what he would have done or said next, if it would have been something he could never have pretended away or taken back, but he heard a soft hiss of laughter — the Faerie Queen — in his ears, and it jolted him back to reality. He pulled away from Clary before he it was too late, unlocking her hands from around his neck and stepping back. It felt like cutting his own skin open, but he did it.


Clary was staring at him. Her lips were parted, her hands still open. Her eyes were wide. Behind her, Isabelle was gaping at them; Simon looked as if he was about to throw up.


She’s my sister, Jace thought. My sister. But the words meant nothing. They might as well have been in a foreign language. If there had ever been any hope that he could have come to think of Clary as just his sister, this — what had just happened between them — had exploded it into a thousand pieces like a meteorite blasting into the surface of the earth. He tried to read Clary’s face — did she feel the same? She looked as if she wanted nothing more than to turn around and run away. I know you felt it, he said to her with his eyes, and it was half bitter triumph and half pleading. I know you felt it, too. But there was no answer on her face; she wrapped her arms around herself, the way she always did when she was upset, and hugged herself as if she were cold. She glanced away from him.


Jace felt as if his heart was being squeezed by a fist. He whirled on the Queen. “Was that good enough?” he demanded. “Did that entertain you?”


The Queen gave him a look: special and secretive and shared between the two of them. You warned her about us, the look seemed to say. That we would hurt her, break her as you might break a twig between your fingers. But you, who thought you could not be touched — you are the one who has been broken. “We are quite entertained,” she said. “But not, I think, so much as the both of you.”


Le Baiser de Minuit, Lara Adrian



À la suite d'un meurtre, Gabrielle Maxwell est projetée dans un monde où les vampires rôdent et se livrent une guerre fratricide. Lucan Thorne méprise la violence de ses congénères. Lui-même vampire, il a juré de protéger non seulement les siens, mais aussi l'humanité. Il ne peut courir le risque de se lier à une mortelle. Mais quand Gabrielle devient la cible de ses ennemis, il n a d'autre choix que de l'entraîner dans les profondeurs où il règne l'entraîner dans son univers

Ce que j'en pense : (à venir)

Si vous avec aimé "La Confrérie de la Dague Noire " de J.R.Ward alors vous allez aimer "Le Baiser de Minuit". On retrouve des guerriers prêts à tous pour protéger "leur race",de la romance,des combats et bien sûr du sexe.On alterne entre les points de vue de Lucan et de Gabrielle, il y a même quelques passages du point de vue du Maître des Renégats mais très courts,ce que j'ai apprécié.

Lucan Thorne est le plus ancien des guerriers de la lignée,son seul but est d'éradiquer les Renégats,ces vampires qui ont sombrés dans la soif sanguinaire qui les pousse à massacrer les humains.Il vie avec les 5 autres guerriers dans le complexe alors que les vampires  normaux vivent dans les Havrobsurs. 
Alors que certains des guerriers vivent avec leur compagne de Sang,des humaines particulières qui peuvent avoir des enfants avec des vampires  et devenir immortelles grâce au sang de leur compagnon, Lucan lui ne vie que pour protéger les siens.

Gabrielle Maxwell , est une photographe qui se retrouve témoin  d'un massacre par les Renégats et va alors être entraîner au milieu de cette guerre et découvrir qu'elle est sa vraie nature.

Il y a beaucoup de ressemblance avec le tome 1 de "La Confrérie", un leader qui ne veut pas avoir de sentiments pour une femme,un ennemi qui s'en prend justement à cette femme et ces deux personnages qui sont attirés l'un par l'autre.

Mais je trouve que les femmes  dans ce livre sont plus présentes et ont plus d'importance que dans "La Confrérie" , les discussions de Gabrielle avec les compagnes sont particulièrement intéressantes et apportent une vrai touche féminine.

 Un 1° tome qui est une bonne introduction à l'histoire et à cet univers même si je n'ai pas arrêté de comparer avec la Confrérie.Il y a 2 évènements auxquels je ne m'attendais pas du tout et le découverte de la personnalité du Maître laisse présager une guerre sans merci.

Quotes :
 * "Tu viens de me promettre l'éternité,ne l'oublie pas.Je pourrais bien te le faire regretter."

 * "Quoi tu m'offres l'équivalent chez les vampires du programmes de protection des témoins?"

 * "Je suis surprise,c'est tout.Je ne m'attendais pas à entendre un policier coriace et baraqué comme toi parler en terme si romantique de la vie et du destin. 

Le tome 2 "Minuit écarlate" sortira le 22/04/11  et sera sur Dante

samedi 26 mars 2011

Falling Under,Gwen Hayes

Synopsis :

Theia Alderson has always led a sheltered life in the small California town of Serendipity Falls. But when a devastatingly handsome boy appears in the halls of her school, Theia knows she's seen Haden before- not around town, but in her dreams.

As the Haden of both the night and the day beckons her closer one moment and pushes her away the next, the only thing Theia knows for sure is that the incredible pull she feels towards him is stronger than her fear.

And when she discovers what Haden truly is, Theia's not sure if she wants to resist him, even if the cost is her soul.

Ce que j'en pense :

Une très bonne surprise qui est devenue un coup de coeur.
Ce livre ne va pas plaire à tout le monde, mais cet univers m'a fait rêver surtout grâce à Haden dont je suis sous le charme.Je ne vais pas dévoiler quel genre de fantastique il s'agit car j'ai aimé le découvrir toute seule au cours de la lecture,chose rare pour moi qui raffole des spoilers!

Theia est une jeune fille timide,réservée, tout ça à cause de son Father qui la surprotège.Il l'empeche de sortir de voir ses amis à tel point que Theia n'a jamais parlé à un garçon.Elle vit seule avec son père depuis la mort de sa mère à sa naissance.

Elle a 2 meilleurs amies,Donny, la collectionneuse de garçons et Amélia l'éternelle romantique.
Mais tout va changer lorsque le garçon dont elle rêve, est le nouveau de l'école.
Haden qui est gentil avec elle dans ses rêves devient un vrai goujat à l'école,mais il en faut plus pour décourager Theia de découvrir ce qu'il en est vraiment.Lorsqu'elle le rejoint dans ses rêves ils sont proches et peuvent se confier l'un à l'autre mais dans la "vraie" vie il est distant et méchant.Elle va tout faire pour se rapprocher de lui,même si elle se rend compte qu'il est dangereux.

Haden ne veut même pas la toucher pour soi disant son bien,ça vous rappelle quelquechose? et oui même Theia lui en fait la remarque "If you are about to tell me you are a vampire that glitters in th sunshine,i will______?" et lui l'appelle même" My little Lamb". La comparaison s'arrête là.

Theia s'éveille aux sentiments et devient téméraire,elle va sortir avec ses copines en boîte puis jouer les entremetteuses.Elle va même tenir tête à son père. Puis Haden repart et Theia va tout faire pour le retrouver.

La 2° partie nous entraine dans un tout autre univers,ou on s'aperçoit que tous les personnages ont évolué.On découvre une Theia,déterminée et prête à tout pour sauver ceux qu'elle aime.Je ne vais pas rentrer dans les détails car sinon je risquerai de vous donner des indices sur la suite mais après une partie un peu "molle" au milieu du livre la suite m'a tellement intéressée que je n'arrive pas à lâcher le livre.

Certains passages sont du point de vue d'Haden est c'est un vrai régal.

Une magnifique histoire d'amour,avec de la passion ,de la tristesse,de la joie et des sacrifices.

Le tome 2 "Dreaming awake" sortira en Janvier 2012.

Je vous met le lien de la chronique de ma partenaire Read your dreams (article)

Quotes :

  * "Up is down. Down is up.”
     “And that means … ?”
     “I’m probably half in love with a boy I don’t really like."

  * "He walked backwards a few more steps and brought Brittany’s hand to his lips without taking his eyes off me.
My hand tingled where he kissed her.
And the bastard knew it."

 * "My very own goth Mr. Darcy. Jane Austen would be so proud.

Et la dernière juste magnifique

 * "Do you think it’s easy for me? No, I don’t remember you. I don’t remember holding you or talking to you or falling in love with you—but I walk around with a giant hole in my heart all the time. I feel your absence every second of the day. It aches and nothing soothes it. Losing you is bad enough, but I don’t even get the comfort of remembering that I had you once.

Voici le trailer 

jeudi 24 mars 2011

Ma nouvelle bannière

Changement de décor pour le blog.
Un grand merci à L0raah pour la superbe bannière qu'elle a crée pour le site.

Crossed, Allie Condie

Le  2° tome de la trilogie Matched s'appellera Crossed et sortira le 01/11/2011 en VO.

Synopsis :

In search of a future that may not exist and faced with the decision of who to share it with, Cassia journeys to the Outer Provinces in pursuit of Ky — taken by the Society to his certain death — only to find that he has escaped, leaving a series of clues in his wake.

Cassia’s quest leads her to question much of what she holds dear, even as she finds glimmers of a different life across the border. But as Cassia nears resolve and certainty about her future with Ky, an invitation for rebellion, an unexpected betrayal, and a surprise visit from Xander — who may hold the key to the uprising and, still, to Cassia’s heart — change the game once again. Nothing is as expected on the edge of Society, where crosses and double crosses make the path more twisted than ever.

Froid comme la tombe ,Jeaniene Frost

Synopsis :

Cat a beau passer d'un déguisement à l'autre pour empêcher les vampires de découvrir son identité, sa couverture finit par sauter, ce qui la met en terrible danger. Et comme si ça ne suffisait pas, une femme sortie tout droit du passé de Bones est bien décidée à se débarrasser de lui une bonne fois pour toutes. Cat va apprendre la véritable signification de l'expression "se faire du mauvais sang".

Ce que j'en pense : (à venir)

Scènes supprimées : source

  Bones and I faced each other alone in the room. All at once, I didn’t know what to say. Should we run through the list of possible suspects? Debate more over Tate’s innocence versus guilt, for Bones still didn’t look convinced. Argue about how he’d diverted my focus from Spade dragging my friend off to chain him up? Or forget all of the above and try to sleep as suggested?
“Has anyone called Don to tell him you caught up with me?”

That won the toss, apparently, and it hadn’t even been on my mental list.

“No, but he can wait a bit longer. Come lie down with me, I’ve longed for nothing as much as your arms these past days, even when I was barely cognizant.”

He pulled me with him to the bed, enfolding me under the blankets even though I still had my dress on. His limbs entwined with mine, preventing me from squirming out of it.

“Leave it on, much as I want to feel your bare skin. You look as awful as I’ve ever seen you, Kitten. You have circles around your eyes like you’ve been beaten. Ah, at last I can relax. Having you next to me is more beneficial than the gallons of blood your uncle pumped into me.”

“Your body aged almost to the point of truly dying. That’s why your hair’s white, isn’t it?”

“Yes. I expect so.”

It hit me then, staring at his unlined, beautiful face and that stark white hair framing it, that neither of us should still be alive. He’d almost been killed by a knife in his heart, and add one more step on a rocky ledge and Bones would have returned to find my body broken beyond revival.

His hands closed around my face and his whole body stiffened.

What is this you’re thinking?

I let the memory come, restricting none of it, hearing once again Vlad pitiless admonishment, “…have no choice but to climb down and commit yourself to a bloody retribution…” and the final question that led me to step away from the ledge. What are you?

Bones let out a cry and clutched me to him so tightly, my ribs creaked.

“If I would have come back to that, Kitten, it would have killed me more certainly than any silver twisting in my heart. Promise me, promise me, promise me you will never do such a thing. If I die, I will wait for you, do you understand? No matter how long. I will watch from beyond to make sure you live every year you have to its fullest, and then we’ll have so much to talk about when I see you again…promise me right now, Catherine!”

I held him back just as tightly even as I choked out a laugh.

“Did you miss that part? My name isn’t Catherine. It’s Cat.”

Un pied dans la tombe,Jeanienne Frost

Synopsis :

La demi-vampire Cat Crawfield est devenue agent spécial, engagée par le gouvernement pour débarrasser le monde de la racaille morte-vivante. Elle n'a rien oublié de tout ce que Bones, son ex, lui a appris. Pourtant, lorsqu'elle se retrouve avec des tueurs aux trousses, elle est contrainte de faire de nouveau appel à lui. Les retrouvailles sont tumultueuses et malgré tous ses efforts pour que leur relation demeure strictement professionnelle, Cat va découvrir que le désir ne meurt jamais... et que le ténébreux vampire compte bien souffler sur les braises encore chaudes.

Ce que j'en pense : (à venir)

Scènes supprimées :  source

Note: This scene originally took place at the beginning of Chapter 11 [pg 86] right after Denise tells Cat to come with her to get the pictures. It’s a segment showing Cat and Bones taking wedding pictures with the rest of the bridal party:


Felicity was delighted with having Bones as her partner for the wedding. She managed to squeeze herself next to him indecently in every shot. My jaw ached from how hard I grit my teeth to keep from backhanding her across the room. To make it worse, Bones was being charming and she ate it up. When I could stand it no longer, I turned my head away to face a wall and spoke under my breath, knowing he’d be the only one who could hear me.

“Keep it up and she’ll need a new pair of panties before dinner.”

“Jealous, luv?” he coughed into his hand and smiled at something Felicity said.

Jealous? Hell yes. Even though Noah waited patiently for me at cocktail hour, my feelings had no sense of hypocrisy. I took the offensive, as I usually did when I was upset.

“Not at all. Why don’t you just take her around back and fuck her real fast before we go to the reception? Then maybe she’ll simmer down a notch and not act like such a whore.”

I was on the opposite side of the room, pretending to adjust the strap on my shoes while spitting out the words.

“Ah, Kitten,” Bones said low, refitting the rose in his lapel so no one would see his lips move. “You know how I like to take my time…”

“Just the wedding party, now,” the photographer said and ushered us to stand together. I stomped over gracelessly. “Move in closer, that’s right, a little closer. Now smile and think about the one you love.”

A corny pitch to get a good photo, but I fell for it. Just as the flash reflected I glanced up and saw Bones staring at me. He wasn’t smiling and neither was I. But we looked at each other and no one else.

 This scene segment was the original start of the scene on pg 94, right after Cat walks away from Bones outside to go back to the reception. Reminder that Cat was going by the alias “Cristine” and Bones was under the name of “Cris” at the wedding.


Dinner was a living hell. Felicity kept up a steady stream of suggestive chatter with Bones that had me digging bloody crescents into my palms. Then she’d coil her hair around her fingers and lean in very close to whisper something to him. Or her hand would reach out to rest on his thigh while he spoke. Unable to watch anymore, I turned away to speared my dinner roll viciously with my knife. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Bones glance at me and chuckle.

“I have to go powder my nose, I’ll be right back,” Felicity cooed, brushing her breast deliberately by his shoulder when she bent to retrieve her handbag. He didn’t even flinch away to avoid it. Bastard. I consoled myself by giving the helpless roll a twist with my blade and imagined it was his heart.

“Trying to tell me something, pet?” he asked as he observed the remains of the roll on my plate.

“Just wishful thinking,” I shot back evilly.

His brow arched before Bones clasped his own dinner roll between his elegant fingers and split the center, buttering it with careful attention. Then, with his head lowered, he slowly ran his tongue along the crevasse until he’d licked away every drop of moisture.

The air left my lungs in a rush.

“Wishful thinking,” he murmured, shooting a heated look at me.

I stood so hastily my chair upended beneath me. Once again, people turned to stare at the disruption. My face burned with something I hadn’t had in over four years - a full crimson blush, and it had nothing to do with causing a distraction among the guests.

“Um, a toast to the bride and groom,” I improvised. “Denise, Randy, may you always remember the commitment you made to each other today. Marriage is more than the paper with your signatures, more than words recited. It’s the pledge you make that come hell or high water, you will stand together and not be knocked over by what life throws at you. Today and always, I wish you strength, courage, and tenacity to overcome any obstacles that threaten your relationship. Once again, congratulations.”

A smattering of polite applause sounded, with more than a few sideways glances. Okay, so maybe I sounded like a drill sergeant, but I was trying to keep my head above water here. Randy leaned over and gave me a kiss, as did Denise, and I sat back down feeling slightly better.

Then Randy stood and raised his glass. “I’d like to thank Cristine for strongly reminding everyone of the seriousness of marriage. Since she’s usually armed, I’m not going to disagree with her.”

There was genuine laughter and clapping at that statement. Most of the people present knew I worked for the Bureau in some capacity, and they knew it wasn’t typing. Poor schmucks, if they had any real idea.

“But let me deviate a bit. Denise and I have known each other for just over six weeks. A very short period of time, many would say, and they would be correct. We have different backgrounds, different upbringings, and different religious beliefs. None of that matters to me. The first night I met her, I knew she was the one for me.” Here he paused and gave Denise a gentle stroke of her face.

“The night before I asked her to marry me, I had a talk with my friend Cris.” Randy gestured in to my right and I tensed, afraid to listen further. “Most of you don’t know Cris. We met six months ago, and I asked him if he thought I was rushing things by proposing to a woman I’d only dated two weeks. My family had reservations, and I knew how Denise’s family felt about our differences. I want to share with all of you what Cris said, because I think it bears repeating.”

Randy moved to stand behind Bones, and my knuckles whitened on the edge of the table. Something told me I didn’t want to hear what was coming. Randy went on anyway.

“He said, ‘Randy, mate, don’t bother about how long you’ve known this girl if you love her. Time has no dominion over love. Love is the one thing that transcends time.’”

There were sentimental ahhs from the guests. I didn’t dare look to my right, because tears coursed a slow steady trail down my cheeks. How right Bones was. Love did transcend time, because my heart was breaking as much now as it had been the day I left him.

“I would like to thank new friends and old, family and extended family, in sharing the happiest day of my life with the woman I love.”

Heartfelt applause broke out when Randy finished speaking. He gave Denise a kiss and she hugged him. Then her eyes widened a bit when she saw me over her husband’s shoulder.

“Cristine! You’re crying. I’ve never seen you cry before.”

I smiled and spoke through a throat choked with emotion. “Denise…I’m just so happy for you. So happy for you both.”

Philtres et Potions

Loups-garous,vampires et sorcières peuplent les univers de vos séries préférées.

Ce que j'en pense:

   Loup d'aveugle-Patricia Briggs
Moira une sorcière aveugle reçoit la visite en pleine nuit de Tom un loup garou qui a besoin de son aide pour retrouver son frère.
C'est Patricia Briggs qui m'a fait aimer l'univers des loups garous,et dans cette nouvelle qui se lit très vite on découvre un nouvel aspect des loups-garous.
Arrivée à la dernière ligne je voulais en savoir plus sur Moira et Tom.Heureusement qu'on va les retrouver dans le tome 2 d'Alpha & Oméga.

   La dernière tournée -Jim Butcher
Harry souhaite prendre une bière à la fin de sa journée mais ça se complique quand le stock est empoisonné.Je n'avais jamais lu d'histoire de Jim Butcher et même si cette histoire ne m'a pas particulièrement plu (difficile de passer après P.Briggs) j'ai aimé l'humour d'Harry et je vais me laisser tenter par cet univers.

   Cadavre exquis- Rachel Caine
Holly est une nécromancienne forcée de relever Andrew une deuxième fois et elle ne sait pas comment elle va pouvoir supporter de le perdre encore.J'ai adoré cette histoire surtout à cause d'Holly et Andrew avec cet amour impossible.

   Les jeux sont faits- Karen Chance
Lia est une mage à moitié garou qui en plein nuit est attaquée par d'autres mages, heureusement son petit ami loup garou est là pour l'aider.On retrouve l'univers des mages de Karen Chance avec les différents cercles,l'intrigue est bien ménée, de belles batailles et une romance qui m'a beaucoup plu.

   L'Oeil doré d'Hécate -P.N.Elrod
Dans les années 30, une femme fait appel Charles Escott et son associé  vampire, son engagé par Mlle Weaver pour qu'ils récupère le bijoux qu'elle s'est fait volé par sa cousine.
Je n'ai pas aimé cette nouvelle,l'intrigue ne m'a pas emballé.

  Bacon - Charlaine Harris
Dahlia,une vampire engage une sorcière afin de venger la mort de son mari loup-garou.
J'aime le style de C.Harris et cette histoire est agréable, on se laisse même surprendre par la fin.

 La Marque des morts - Faith Hunter
Molly une sorcière va aider la police a enquêter sur le massacre de famille par des vampire paria.Elle va être accompagnée par son amie Jane un métamorphe.
L'histoire ne m'a pas intéressé,Jane a une série à elle mais je ne pense pas la lire.

 La Rouquine - Caitlin Kittredge
Sunny une sorcière peureuse va se retrouver mêlée à la disparition de mage noir.Ce n'est pas le genre d'héroïne que j'apprécie, elle n'est pas courageuse et se laisse facilement intimidée.L'histoire est ennuyante surtout à cause des personnages qui sont assez fades.

  Sombres Péchés - Jenna Maclaine
J'ai failli ne pas lire cette histoire car j'étais découragée par les précédentes et j'aurai eu tord! car enfin ça bouge.
Cin  une vampire qui est aussi une sorcière mais sans pouvoir,fait partie avec son mari Mickaël des Justes.Il s'agit de 4 vampires qui protègent les humains en tuant ce de leur espèce qui ne respectent pas les règles.
Dans cette nouvelle on découvre comment Cin recupère ses pouvoirs de sorcière qu'elle avait perdu lors de sa transformation.

Je suis assez mitigée sur ce livre, certaines histoires étaient très intéressantes et d'autres m'ont ennuyées.
Mais ça m'a appris qu'il me faut de la romance,même un tout petit peu pour que le livre m'intéresse.

mercredi 23 mars 2011

Going too far , Jennifer Echols

Synopsis :

All Meg has ever wanted is to get away. Away from high school. Away from her backwater town. Away from her parents who seem determined to keep her imprisoned in their dead-end lives. But one crazy evening involving a dare and forbidden railroad tracks, she goes way too far...and almost doesn't make it back.

John made a choice to stay. To enforce the rules. To serve and protect. He has nothing but contempt for what he sees as childish rebellion, and he wants to teach Meg a lesson she won't soon forget. But Meg pushes him to the limit by questioning everything he learned at the police academy. And when he pushes back, demanding to know why she won't be tied down, they will drive each other to the edge -- and over....

Ce que j'en pense :

Le premier livre que je lis de Jennifer Echols et pas le dernier.Ce livre est une romance.
C'est l'histoire de 2 personnes totalement différentes avec leur propre bagages et qui tombent amoureux.

Meghan est un personnage que j'ai adoré, elle est parfois totalement folle et plus on connait son histoire et plus on l'apprécie.Elle s'est crée une apparence choquante (cheveux bleus) exprès pour embêter son monde.
John apparait plus simple avec une vision très carrée de la vie mais il est beaucoup plus complexe que ça.
Leur personnages ont vraiment des caractères opposés mais plus on les connait plus on s'aperçoit qu'ils ont beaucoup en commun.
J'ai adoré suivre Meg et John en patrouille de nuit surtout lorsqu'elle se rend compte qu'elle tombe amoureuse.
Il y a une vraie tension sexuelle entre ces deux là qui rend leur relation explosive.

Une fois que l'on découvre leur passé on est touché par leur histoire, celle de Meg m'a d'autant plus touché que je ne m'y attendais pas.

Quotes :

* "My knee radiated heat. As I watched him pull himself from the car and walk casually across the brightly lit parking lot, I thought dumb things. I will never wash my knee again. I will never wash these jeans again. I will cut the knee out of these jeans and sew a pillow to sleep on every night, just to have a molecule of him in my bed with me."

  * "Yeah, I understood that last night at the wreck. Nothing says I love you like a dead body."

  * "I guess we both understood that our relationship was built entirely on witty repartee, and neither of us thought we could be witty on four hours of shut-eye."